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  1.  14
    Face Processing in Early Development: A Systematic Review of Behavioral Studies and Considerations in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic.Laura Carnevali, Anna Gui, Emily J. H. Jones & Teresa Farroni - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human faces are one of the most prominent stimuli in the visual environment of young infants and convey critical information for the development of social cognition. During the COVID-19 pandemic, mask wearing has become a common practice outside the home environment. With masks covering nose and mouth regions, the facial cues available to the infant are impoverished. The impact of these changes on development is unknown but is critical to debates around mask mandates in early childhood settings. As infants grow, (...)
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    Gaze Following and Attention to Objects in Infants at Familial Risk for ASD.Janet P. Parsons, Rachael Bedford, Emily J. H. Jones, Tony Charman, Mark H. Johnson & Teodora Gliga - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Neuroadaptive Bayesian optimisation can allow integrative design spaces at the individual level in the social and behavioural sciences… and beyond.Rianne Haartsen, Anna Gui & Emily J. H. Jones - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e45.
    Almaatouq et al. propose an integrative experiment design space combined with large samples for scientific advancement. We argue recent innovative designs combining closed-loop experiment designs and Bayesian optimisation allow for integrative experiments at an individual level during a single session, circumventing the necessity for large samples. This method can be applied across disciplines, including developmental and clinical research.
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    Regional Haemodynamic and Metabolic Coupling in Infants.Maheen F. Siddiqui, Paola Pinti, Sarah Lloyd-Fox, Emily J. H. Jones, Sabrina Brigadoi, Liam Collins-Jones, Ilias Tachtsidis, Mark H. Johnson & Clare E. Elwell - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Metabolic pathways underlying brain function remain largely unexplored during neurodevelopment, predominantly due to the lack of feasible techniques for use with awake infants. Broadband near-infrared spectroscopy provides the opportunity to explore the relationship between cerebral energy metabolism and blood oxygenation/haemodynamics through the measurement of changes in the oxidation state of mitochondrial respiratory chain enzyme cytochrome-c-oxidase alongside haemodynamic changes. We used a bNIRS system to measure ΔoxCCO and haemodynamics during functional activation in a group of 42 typically developing infants aged between (...)
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